Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Consumer Goods Classification - 1171 Words

Introduction: The classification of goods (physical products) is essential to business because it provides a basis for determining the strategies needed to move them through the marketing system. The two main forms of classifications are consumer goods and industrial goods. We are interested in this paper to elaborate more on Consumer Goods Classification only. Consumer Goods: Consumer goods are defined as goods that are bought from retail stores for personal, family, or household use. Or, they can also be defined as: Products intended for use or consumption by individuals, as opposed to organizations, companies or businesses. Consumer goods are generally divided into subcategories according to the method by which they are†¦show more content†¦For price-based shopping goods, consumers judge product attributes to be similar and look around for the least expensive item/store. Consumers will exert effort in searching for information, because shopping goods are bought infrequently. Hyundai Automobile and store-brand clothes are marketed as price-based shopping goods. Because customers are going to shop for these goods, a fundamental strategy in establishing stores that specialize in them is to locate near similar stores in active shopping areas, in other words, shopping goods require selective distribution. Ongoing strategies for marketing shopping goods include the heavy use of advertising in local media, including newspapers, radio, and television. Advertising for shopping goods is often done cooperatively with the manufacturers of the goods. Specialty Goods: Specialty goods are items that are unique or unusual—at least in the mind of the buyer. Buyers know exactly what they want and are willing to exert considerable effort to obtain it. These goods are usually, but not necessarily, of high value, and they may or may not be durable goods. They differ from shopping goods primarily because price is not the chief consideration. Often the attributes that make them unique are brand preference (e.g., a certain make of automobile) or personal preference (e.g., a food dish prepared in a specific way). Other items that fall into this category are wedding dresses, antiques, fine jewelry, and golfShow MoreRelatedMarketing Plan of Lux2484 Words   |  10 Pagesfor Unilever products. Our brands are trusted everywhere and, by listening to the people who buy them, weve grown into one of the worlds most successful consumer goods companies. In fact, 150 million times a day, someone somewhere chooses a Unilever product. Highlights Unilever is one of the worlds leading suppliers of fast-moving consumer goods. Here are some recent highlights from our three global divisions - Foods, home  care and  personal care. Vision Unilever products touch the lives of over 2Read MoreCommodity School1154 Words   |  5 Pageseconomic-noneconomic. 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