Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Animal Trainer - 828 Words

Animal Trainer My career for our first career cluster is Animal Trainer. An animal trainer is in general a person who teachers animals specific responses to specific conditions or stimuli, which may be for the purpose of companionship, detection, protection, entertainment, etc. In addition animal trainers do all the dirty work like take care of the animals as in clean, feed, etc. I chose animal trainer for a few reasons. Based off of my personality tests and such, it seemed like the perfect match as a job. It’s definitely not a job I’d prefer for this project or my career but for this cluster it’s the best choice I have. For education animal trainers often need just a high school diploma or GED equivalent. Some require a†¦show more content†¦For animal trainers hours are very irregular. Often weekend and holiday shifts. Some are on duty 24 hours a day. For vacation time, that isn’t blatantly specified, but based on the facts I know alread y unless a person is off on the holiday shifts it seems like animal trainers don’t get much of a vacation. Salaries for this job are significantly low at around a max of $31,590 a year. Average salaries are between 16k and 24k. Physical and emotional stress is big in this job. All of the hours worked caretaking for animals, lifting, cleaning; the skills needed basically, can really take a toll on someone in this job. Usually the people that work in this field are veterinarians, animal control, other animal helpers, etc. and they are usually animal lovers. I personally am not an animal lover but I like to have a dog or pet. You’re evaluated by your peer employees and the employees above you or at a higher authority such as the manager of the establishment. To me there aren’t many advantages to this job besides it works with animals and it’s an easy job to be hired at. The disadvantages are numerous. The hours worked, the time not spent with family, the amount of pain possibly involved and with all of that hard work, not very much in return with a very low salary. If I chose to apply for this job it could definitely help me in the long run if I play my cards right. The more I work as an animal trainer the more I am recognized and could possiblyShow MoreRelatedBlackfish Film Analysis1332 Words   |  6 Pageswho has eaten a trainer at SeaWorld. The film puts viewers on edge by using the dark background and music and the call between the dispatcher and a SeaWorld trainer. While an underwater video is being played of an orca the audience is led to believe that they will see an orca which will attack a SeaWorld trainer, but then we soon find out it is just a show between a trainer and an orca. 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