Friday, December 6, 2019

Marketing Research On Tourism industry †

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Research On Tourism industry. Answer: Tourism industry has strength to cut across number of sectors of the Australian economy such as accommodation and food services, retail trade, arts, recreation services and transports that being the most obvious[1]. This report will demonstrates the information from the tourism report and summarize the relevant aspects. Various techniques will be described to improve the process. Organizational policies are necessary to evaluate the performance of the company that is why two organizational policies and communication plan will be discussed in this report. Analyze the information and summarise the relevant aspects The information can be consisted from the tourism report is to evaluate the growth of tourism, economic contribution of tourism and direct tourism employment. It has been found from the tourism report that the growth of the GDP due to tourism has been increased by 6.1 %. The information has been accumulated from the tourism report that economic contribution of tourism in 2016-17 is appreciated as it contributed into construction, mining, manufacturing, health care and social assistance, agriculture and forestry[2]. It has been evaluated that nearly 5% of Australian Jobs are in tourism. More than 200,000 people are employed in food services which comprise the cafes, takeaways and pubs. The GDP has increased by approximately 5% in real terms. In 2016-17 tourism accounted for a 3.2% share of total GDP up from a 3.1% share in 201516. It has been found that the construction and mining are having the highest position in the context of economic contribution of tourism. The leading employers within tourism have included accommodation and retail trade where more than 80,000 workers are employed in accommodation and more than 95,000 workers are employed in retail trade. Report : Introduction There are major three information has been analyzed such as the growth of tourism, economic contribution of tourism and direct tourism employment. The report will be presented to the CEO of the organization. The growth of tourism The growth of tourism has increased and viewed over a longer timeframe that the tourism industry of Australia is often sensitive to global threats and in the context of amending economic conditions, however, the nature of the tourism industry is considered as flexible and the impacts due to flexibility are not long lasting. Economic contribution of tourism Tourism industry is found as the biggest contributor to the economy of the country in comparison of agriculture. GVA (Gross value added) is considered as the accurate indicator of economic activity. Construction, mining, health care and social assistance are the major contributor in the economy of the country[3]. Direct tourism employment The industry of tourism is able to cover the various ranges of activities and offers a significant contribution to the economy of Australia. The ration of employment in this industry has grown significantly in 2016-17, amplifying by 3% during the year. Tourism industry provides the high part time as well as female employment, it has been analyzed that in 2016-17, there were 322,200 females employed in the tourism industry. The number of employed males in 2016-17 was 275,900 which are lower in comparison of females. It shows that the tourism industry has given number of employment to the number of people especially females which are good starting towards diminishing the discrimination[4]. Conclusion It has been concluded that that growth of tourism industry is rapid which provide the employment to the number of people. The discussion has been made on the growth of tourism, contribution of tourism in economic and direct tourism employment. Active listening and questioning techniques Active listening is considered as the way to listen and respond to another person for making mutual understanding. Questioning is considered as the fundamental to successful communication. The techniques can be comprised measure knowledge, assess comprehension, promote analysis, encourage synthesis and foster solution. Active listening has number of advantages as it can build trust and establish rapport. Questioning technique is the powerful way of learning, managing and coaching which is fundamental to successful communication. These techniques make enable employees to understand the information of the organization. Analyse numerical information There are number of information mentioned in themarketing document. As it is predicted by Tourism Research Australia that the total tourism spend will be able to provide a $225 billion in the progress of Australians economy. Visitor consumption spend on tourism products are mentioned in the document that defines the accurate point of visitors consumption on international as well as domestic basis. It shows that the current and potential situation of tourism industry which would be helpful for the organization to take important step in the context of progress[5]. Two organisational policies There can be two organizational policies such as confidentiality policy and operational policy. Confidentially policy should be followed by every organization because it facilitates company to keep safe confidential information of the employee as well as the company which increase the trust of the customers[6]. Operational policy is consisted client complaint, inventory control and shift scheduling which helps organization to know about the ongoing activities of the company. I will follow it to understand the conflicts of the customers and resolve them as soon as possible. The main purpose of this policy is to provide the framework for making sound decisions and to ensure that the appointment system of organization is optimized continuously and the fair treatment is considered in the organization with employees[7]. Communication plan Activity Priority Medium Frequency Responsible Person Notes Training and conversion High Meeting Monthly Human resource manager It would be helpful for the company to understand the way of performance within the organization. Confidential information about the projects High E-mail Monthly Project manager It will be helpful to make aware about the confidentiality. Presentation about the done activities by the employees. Medium PPT Weekly Team leads It will bring the attentiveness in the employee towards accomplishing the task. Market research results and two ways to improve the processes It has been resulted that tourism industry has reached at peak position where it is able to increase the employment and contribute to the economy of the country. There are two ways to improve the processes such as market trends and SWOT analysis. Market trends should be analyzed by the company to evaluate the current position of the market and implement the strategy as same. The changes in market have come constantly and in such scenario only market research can facilitate to establish ongoing trends. SWOT analysis is strengthening to provide the information by taking help of its components such as strength, weaknesses, opportunity and threats. It would be helpful to tap opportunities and encourage communication. The market research can be done by taking help of primary research or secondary research[8]. Skill Test 2 Market research plan for implementation Research policies and procedures Research policies and procedures must include workplace health and safety practices, procedures, precautions and procedures. Privacy act 1988 is related to the handling of personal information about people. The Competition and Consumer Act 2010 is related to fair trading and consumer protection and it includes the national law guaranteeing consumer rights when buying goods and services[9]. This section may include the data collection, privacy, workplace health and safety and codes of practice. Data collection: market research should be conducted by keeping in the mind of reliability and validity. Data collection method is used of interviews, questionnaire and surveys. These methods are being opted because it is quiet easy to analyze, simple to manage, low cost and can give large sample and can obtain detailed information about from people[10]. Reliability is considered while gathering the data and reliability is there when something gets the similar results. Control should be considered in the place of trying and preventing extraneous variables. Privacy: it is vital for the company to do not reveal the personal information about any employee of the company and maintain the policy of confidentiality. The confidentiality of the company can be interlinked with accessing of records, storage and carriage of records, collection of customers personal information, and destruction of records and release of personal information. Workplace health and safety: there are number of different situation where organizations need to consider the policies, procedures and precautions. The company should evaluate the different activities of different people and set the principles of health and safety for entire employee of the company. Employers of the company should require providing a safe working environment that involves the safe premises, safe systems of work, training, information and supervision and a suitable working environment facility[11]. Codes of practice: the main objectives of the codes of practice are to make ensure that the business and customers have equal right to access the information of the products and services[12]. The risk will be minimized by applying the policies which would be helpful to prevent the breaching the Trade Practices Act 1974 and Spam Act 2003 or State fair trading legislation. Methods of the research The main purpose of this research is to evaluate the organizational requirements and prepare a market research plan for implementation. The requirement of policies and procedures to improve the process has been focused in themarketing plan. Number of methods is chosen for gathering the data to evaluate the organizational requirements. However, there are number of research methods but the kind of research method is completely depending on the resources and objectives. It would be helpful for the organization to understand the characteristics and preference of the customers. Opportunities for growth can be identified by implementing the market plan in an effective manner[13]. Methods: there are mixed approach of qualitative and quantitative is used to gather the information. Experimental research is chosen to gather the data because it has the advantage of controlling irrelevant variables and manipulating one or more variables that manipulate the process being executed. Focus groups, interviews, online research, questionnaire and surveys are taken in to consideration while gathering the data. Focus groups have able to gather the information of employees opinions and feelings and allow asking further question from them[14]. An interview is the method which is able to gather the entire information about the people and people are not attracted by other group members. The main feature of this method is that it is unable to influence by other group members. The help of questionnaire will be taken to analyze the situation because it is quiet easy. The cost of questionnaire is low and can give a large sample. The data can be analyzed by taking help of these meth ods and these methods are simple to manage, reliable source of information and cost effective. Execute processes to obtain required resources to implement market research project plan and work plans Required resources: Required resources are included funding, human resources, work environment and partnership with other organization. These resources are required to obtain in order to implement market research project plan. To implement the market research project plan and work plans, the research is required number of resources such as enough funds are required to conduct the market research. Work environment is analyzed of the organization to understand the requirement of changes. Various methods are helpful to understand the organizational requirement. Along with that liaison and negotiation with key stakeholders are also required to obtain resources. Organizational procedures and requirements are required to attain the resources as well as the written and oral submission for resources[15]. The requirements of resources are different for every situation such as attaining the human resource will be different to attain funding. Organization need to consider the profit and the res ources to attain the enough funding and provide the training and development program to each employee for maintaining the sustainability. 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